Avalon Park Classifieds, News, and Links: serving Avalon, Eastwood, Stoneybrook, Waterford Lakes, and UCF
Directions to Avalon Park      
Orlando's Biggest Community Yard Sale, Coming again March 29th 2025!
 Community Sale Sign-Up

Where: In each family's front yard/garage
Who: AP and surrounding neighborhoods
What I'll need: Your address, $5 to cover permits and advertising, and a descriptive list of items.
Street #
Street Name
Items and Descriptions

For security, type This Word

  How To Pay
There is a $5 fee for each participating address to cover the advertising, marketing and permit costs. Use the paypal QR Code below, or mail/drop off at 3217 Glenmere Way, 32828.

  Italian Mike's Luxury Airport Rides From Avalon Park

  Avalon Park Real Estate for sale. Homes for sale in Avalon Park. Waterford Lakes and East Orlando



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